Evening 6.23, part of the surface is golden in color, while people passes by, on wheels or on feet. Sight upon the lake would as if there is a blurry world in it; it is blur, yet it could be seen and recognized; it is similar to the real, yet it is known to be untouchable and unreachable.
When flock of birds are flying over the surface, a flock of birds are blurry seen to be flying within the lake. A blurry self is to be seen within the lake, resulted from an imaginary picture of one standing beside the surface. It is just a mere reflection. That is clearly known. However, never ever, a reflection would be taken with such attention, nor could it be influential as such as well.
Affected within, yet the effect couldn't be clearly defined. Clearly affected, still the reasons are unknown...
Passed by, bicycles that come in team of two to three. The ease doesn't seem to be affected, even while the bikes passed in pairs, parallel to each other. The lone pair of feet, and the single shoulder, just aren't sufficient to be an ease-factor, even with the soft invisible velvet of nature resting on me.
Slowly, every bricks stepped and passed has spots of water on it, as droplets start to fall from the end of hair, and chin. Slowly, the steps taken become smaller and smaller. An act or reluctant from the body could clearly be seen, however, an act of determination from the mind exhibits its existence as well.
"Tired. Yes, I am tired. However, it doesn't mean that I have give in and give up. This lone pair of legs on the brick road, resembles the loneliness within. This single shoulder and the ease of being passed by, exhibits the insufficient of self, the need of you.
Reflection is but a mirage, an illusion, which is what the hope carried within could be. "Unreachable", "untouchable", and "unrealizable". They are no longer being pushed aside. They are being accepted. It is foolishness indeed. However, foolishness resulted from the will, the will of defending the belief towards the future picture is something self-willing to live with."
Evening 6.55, shoes are being opened and entrance is being faced. A smile is drew, replacing before. Before the iron gate is closed, a glimpse towards the slow-darkening sky, another imaginary picture of a pair could be seen. And with whisper, the gate is closed.
"The fool tried to not-to-be one and he knows he could. However, could doesn't mean wish; decision was reconsidered, and the same is made..."