Sunday 4 April 2010

What's love?

“Love and Relationship are like a plant; they need patience, cares, and sometimes some surprises that act as fertilizers.”

“Love and Relationship are like a building; they need maintenance with tolerance, decoration with colors, and most importantly the building blocks, feelings.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Don’t you agree?”

Lay any finger on the clock and turn the needle back, that’s when almost all the lovers are “gardeners” and “builders”, not “mechanics” and “bosses”.

Perhaps the word “none” is bit too unrealistic; let’s just say 20% when the needle travels backward, 70% when the needle of the clock travels normally. Don’t get it? Perhaps this would help; when the needle travels backward, it means history, and when the needle moves as usual, it means this-story.

People are now more “technologically-concern” and “eco-concern”; they started to pay attention on the four rims, with engine and the greens, which goes by this sign: “$”. Perhaps a non-existed economic crisis drives people to change their occupations or perhaps it’s a current trend. Who knows, right?

Once again, the world is at war; the “gardeners” and “builders” are mostly shot dead. A new ruler rose and initiated a global change, to further industrialize the world. End-result is an ocean of professionals (“mechanics” and “bosses”) that are too attached to their “job” until equality is laid on their L & R as well.

It’s true that most of the mentioned never ever occur; none except the appearance and increase of “mechanics” and “bosses”, and the more “technologically-concern” and “eco-concern” that people tend to be. And it ain’t fair if just one group bears the blame, because it won’t be just the F-le nor will it be just the M-le; it will not be just you nor will it be just me. Keep our finger down unless we are standing right in front of a mirror…

“Wait, I’m not that kind of person!”

“Congratulation then…”

Yes or no, just keep it inside cause what’s the use of saying anything if none will admit, and even if there is, what’s the use if none will change?

Some of you might be thinking of a picture, where a 21-year-old, who is wearing torn clothes, sitting on a wooden chair that has just three legs, and typing with an antique computer, with broken roofs as shelter…

“Yes. I am poor and not-so-attractive looking...”

“Yes. I am envy of those with rims and greens, as well as looks....”

“…and you’re right that I am just babbling out of jealousy…”

“...definitely I should shut up…”

“Sorry and please forgive my jealousy, as well as my stupidity for wasting your time…but I have one more question to ask…”

“What is materialistic?”

“Is it Love and Relationship?”