Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Complication vs Simplicity

It's making me wonder, is the spectacles that I'm putting on makes the world as it is? I may enjoy a ew things that carry the 'complicating' tag in life, eg. music, story, tea, coffee, sports, games, etc. Then again, I never know that spectacles could be labelled such as well.

Still, I couldn't help but to wonder about the opposite. What is it in my life that is simple? It's definitely not my life, it's not my relationship either, nor will it be my family or my dressing, so?

It's then when I realize 'simple' does not exist in my life. In fact, I doubt it exists in anyone's life; even breathing is a complicated process. And to be feeling tired and sick of complications in life, I would come to one single complicated solution - suicide. However, I would need to figure out a way to die in the least painful, most handsome and worth-telling way......

Frankly, I am feeling quite miserable now. There're loads of complaints on the complications that I've faced today and tons of words to be used to express this emotional cocktail that my heart is drinking. After all, it's the reason why I would pick up my pen at the first place!

Somehow, when I wished to start this whole thing with descriptions of the mess in my head, things just got out of my hand and 'realization' just slapped me hard like I'm being an asshole to her.

Nothing in life is meant to be simple, nor are they born to be complicated. As far as I know, every human or living being is born to be a complicated organism, cells, tissues, muscles, organs, systems and the whole thing could go on and on. If so, 'simplicity' should be a non-existing factor in the universe, right?

Even though facts seem to be agreeing to it but when I come to think about it, who invented the phrase 'complication' and 'simplicity' anyway? It's one of the complicated living creatures known as 'human'......

So it might be true that 'simplicity' never exist in the world but I realize the same goes for 'complication'. After all, the term 'invention' means creating something that did not exist before, right?

And to be one of the most complicated beings on earth, we should be feeling blessed; everyone of us is capable of building something out of nothing or creating something that did no exist before.

Therefore, if you are like me, dislike complications and grow tired of them, why don't just throw away the "complicating" spectacles that we are wearing and see the world with our "simple" eyes instead? There I go again, complicating things up  ^.^