Saturday, 9 October 2010

Passing Time

Time passes in the same pace, regardless of what. However, sometimes, the feeling within will tell another thing; it's either time passes very fast or it flows slowly. 

There's a saying that "when one is happy, time flies but when one is sad, time tends to crawl." It is a common, all-agree statement. However, this is a statement of thought, instead of a statement of facts.

The same goes for everyone, both you and I. And not much has changed from the past, from this aspect. The only difference is the examples, instead of "us", now it's "you" and "I".

Not long before, time was like an egg. It gave a feeling that it didn't move at all, and the wish for it to move was so strong. The gaze upon escape was everything. 

Closer then, egg hatches to be a caterpillar, and it crawled slowly, fed upon inner strength instead of leaves. Improvement existed, accompanied by exhaustion.

Now, it morphs to be a pupa. Physically, it immobile but mentally, it is dreaming of flight and freedom. Awake, and both positives and negatives freezes it. Asleep, dreams regardless of which, propel it.

Future, it will be a butterfly. A pair that always flies around together is in the picture dreamt. However, time for it to fly is unknown. And the question includes, whether that stage will ever come.

"Time passes, regardless of what. As it passes, a lot of things changes. That is the effect of passing time. However, "a lot" is not "everything". Even if it is, what's in my prayers will has its core remained. What changes, would be just the words, not the content..."  

1 comment:

Tan SLeong said...

somehow it acts as the human's life...toughly to evolve to become other stages as well...well, life for us human being, is a process that v have to face it no matter where, when is gonna happened. try to give u a hand by others, might give u some ways and appreciate wat u have now, buddy^^